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Nama Program Studi
Teknik Informatika - S1
Perguruan Tinggi
Institut Teknologi Bandung
logo Institut Teknologi Bandung
Akreditasi Program Studi
Status Program Studi
Tanggal Akreditasi
15 Februari 2022
Ketua Program Studi
Tanggal Berdiri
7 November 1996
SK Penyelenggaraan
Tanggal SK
21 September 2007
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132
Kota Bandung
Prov. Jawa Barat
Kode Pos
022 2508135
Logo Perguruan Tinggi
logo Institut Teknologi Bandung

Tentang Teknik Informatika S1 - Institut Teknologi Bandung

Teknik Informatika (IF) Plan of Study: Informatics/Computer Science (CS) Plan of Study: Software Engineering (SE) Informatics Engineering Study Program provides education on the area of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Computer Science spans a wide range, from its theoretical and algorithmic foundations to cutting-edge developments in robotics, computer vision, intelligent systems, bio-informatics, and other exciting areas. Computer scientist should be prepared to work in a broad range of positions involving tasks from theoretical work to software development. Software Engineering is the discipline of developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably and efficiently, are affordable to develop and maintain, and satisfy all the requirements that customers have defined for them. It seeks to integrate the principles of mathematics and computer science with the engineering practices developed for tangible, physical artifacts. Software engineers should be able to properly perform and manage activities at every stage of the life cycle of large-scale software systems. Program Educational Objectives : Technical Knowledge provide a basic knowledge of informatics engineering principles along with the required supporting knowledge of mathematics, science, computing, and engineering fundamentals. Laboratory and Design skills: develop the basic skills needed to perform and design experimental projects. Develop the ability to formulate problems and projects and to plan a process for solutions taking advantage of diverse technical knowledge and skills. Communications Skill: develop the ability to organize and present information, and to write and speak effective Bahasa Indonesia and English. Preparation for the profession: provide an appreciation for the broad spectrum of issues arising in professional practice, including teamwork, leadership, safety, ethics, service, economy, environmental awareness, and professional organizations. Preparation for further study: provide a sufficient breadth and depth for succesful subsequent graduate study, post-graduate study, or lifelong learning programs. Preparation for national industrial development: provide a sufficient basics to have active roles in developing informatics engineering and other related industries in Indonesia.

Visi Program Studi

Menjadi Institusi pendidikan tinggi, pengembang ilmu pengetahuan Teknik Elektro dan Informatika yang unggul dan terkemuka di Indonesia dan diakui didunia serta berperan aktif dalam usaha memajukan dan mensejahterakan bangsa.

Misi Program Studi

Menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi dan pendidikan berkelanjutan di bidang teknik Elektro dan Informatika dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi . Mengikuti (memelihara) keterkinian (state of the art) serta mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan Teknik Elektro dan Informatika melalui kegiatan penelitian yang inovatif. Mendiseminasikan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan pandangan/wawasan Teknik Elektro dan Informatika yang dimiliki kepada masyarakat baik melalui lulusannya, kemitraan dengan industri atau lembaga lainnya maupun melalui kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dalam rangka membentuk masyarakat berkearifan teknologi.

Jurusan kuliah terkait Teknik Informatika di Perguruan Tinggi lainnya


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