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Nama Program Studi
PJJ Akuntansi - S1
Perguruan Tinggi
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Akreditasi Program Studi
Status Program Studi
Tanggal Akreditasi
27 Juni 2022
Ketua Program Studi
Tanggal Berdiri
9 Februari 2016
SK Penyelenggaraan
Tanggal SK
9 Februari 2016
Jl KH Syahdan No 9 Palmerah
Kota Jakarta Barat
Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta
Kode Pos
Logo Perguruan Tinggi

Tentang PJJ Akuntansi S1 - Universitas Bina Nusantara

This program is intended for students who are planning to work as a Professional Accountant with curriculum to provide skills in business and information technology. The curriculum in this program based on the trend of global accounting education curriculum established by the International Federation of Accountants in the form of International Education Standard. This curriculum also refers to International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), which is used across the enterprise in the world to prepare financial statements. The courses offered also refers to the certification of the Professional Accountant (Chartered Accountant-CA).

Visi Program Studi

A leading and innovative Accounting Study Program in the world that cooperates closely with accounting & finance industry and related institutions to produce professional accountants with extensive business, and information technology (IT) expertise.

Misi Program Studi

The mission of Accounting Study Program is to contribute to the global community through the provision of worldclass education by:

1. Recognizing, nurturing and rewarding the most creative and value- adding accounting and finance educators and students.

2. Educating students with the fundamental skills, knowledge and practice of accounting and finance in order to prepare graduates to be professional accountants in various industries and prepare them for pursuing advanced degrees in accounting, finance or related disciplines.

3. Creating global leaders who distinguish themselves as professional accountants and finance with extensive business and IT knowledge in their work organization and communities.

4. Contributing to the improvement of the body of knowledge in accounting and finance practice in Indonesia and global communities.

5. Conducting research, professional service and career development in accounting and finance with an emphasis on the application of knowledge and quality of life.

Kompetensi Dasar Program Studi

The objectives of the program are:

1. To prepare students with solid technical skills and conceptual knowledge of accounting and finance.

2. To prepare students with organizational and business knowledge to succeed in a career in accounting & finance.

3. To equip students with information technology knowledge that is in demand by the accounting and finance industries.


Jurusan kuliah terkait PJJ Akuntansi di Perguruan Tinggi lainnya


Komentar User

Oleh Euis Nur Fatimah
Rabu, 03-Jan-2024 | 15:14:43
Selamat siang,
bolehkah saya minta lampiran SK Penyelenggaraan-nya (SK 93/KPT/I/2016)?
Terima kasih.
Berikan komentar untuk halaman PJJ Akuntansi S1 - Universitas Bina Nusantara


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